c# - SharePoint 2010 Web Part Error - Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131904 -

a client of ours encountered problem web part wrote while back. web part advanced search returns results based on information entered text box , criteria selected drop down. web part has been functional on other customer sites , error encountered 1 client not replicated, after extensive testing on our development environment. error appears when search column lookup field , works expected on other field type. have looked around web find resolution specific problem, majority of cases refer sql error of content database being out of space, don't believe case in instance.

below full stack trace message receive. resolve problem appreciated!

exception hresult: 0x80131904 @ microsoft.sharepoint.spglobal.handlecomexception(comexception comex) @ microsoft.sharepoint.library.sprequest.getlistitemdatawithcallback2(ilistitemsqlclient psqlclient, string bstrurl, string bstrlistname, string bstrviewname, string bstrviewxml, safearrayflags fsafearrayflags, isp2dsafearraywriter psacallback, ispdatacallback ppagingcallback, ispdatacallback ppagingprevcallback, ispdatacallback pfilterlinkcallback, ispdatacallback pschemacallback, ispdatacallback prowcountcallback, boolean& pbmaximalview) @ microsoft.sharepoint.splistitemcollection.ensurelistitemsdata() @ microsoft.sharepoint.splistitemcollection.getenumerator() @ biz_advancedlistsearch_module.advancedlistsearch.advancedlistsearch.btnsearch_click(object sender, imageclickeventargs e)

edit: problem arises when lookup column uses "contains" search criteria. use caml queries retrieve data , using console application, determined possible lookup field.

a little old, had same issue today. comparers case sensitive. should . in case, , changed , works now!


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