java - Error while connecting to Alfresco repository using opencmis and SSO -

i have alfresco server running on xx.xx.xx.101, connecting java workspace it, workspace , alfresco have been wired using sso . whenever click on link in jsp page, without authenticating redirecting alfresco share page .

this code logging alfresco repository

sessionfactory sessionfactory = sessionfactoryimpl.newinstance();         map<string, string> params = new hashmap<string, string>();         params.put(sessionparameter.user, username);         params.put(sessionparameter.password, password);         params.put(sessionparameter.atompub_url,  "");         params.put(sessionparameter.binding_type,  bindingtype.atompub.value());         params.put(sessionparameter.object_factory_class,  dms_const.kbrrepositoryfactoryimpl);         list<repository> repos = sessionfactory.getrepositories(params);         return repos.get(0).createsession(); 

for username pass role_ticket , password pass ticket_value retrieved alfresco share.

the problem whenever execute code

com.ctc.wstx.exc.wstxparsingexception: in doctype declaration; expected system identifier. @ [row,col {unknown-source}]: [1,62]

one url sso url , actual url of machine on alfresco running different.

you should instead use below url -

parameters.put(sessionparameter.atompub_url, "http://localhost:8080/alfresco/cmisatom"); 


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