jquery - How to style diffrent Collor Coulmn in Highcharts -

can please take @ this demo , let me know how can set diffrent color foe each of columns in chart?

$(function () {         $('#container').highcharts({             chart: {                 type: 'column'             },             title: {                 text: 'world\'s largest cities per 2014'             },             subtitle: {                 text: 'source: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/list_of_cities_proper_by_population">wikipedia</a>'             },             xaxis: {                 type: 'category',                 labels: {                      align: 'center',                     style: {                         fontsize: '13px',                         fontfamily: 'verdana, sans-serif'                     }                 }             },             yaxis: {                 min: 0,                 title: {                     text: 'population (millions)'                 }             },             legend: {                 enabled: false             },             tooltip: {                 pointformat: 'population in 2008: <b>{point.y:.1f} millions</b>',             },             series: [{                 name: 'population',                 data: [                     ['shanghai', 23.7],                     ['lagos', 16,1],                     ['instanbul', 14.2],                  ],                 datalabels: {                     enabled: true,                     rotation: 0,                     color: '#ffffff',                     align: 'center',                     x: 5,                     y: 25,                     style: {                         fontsize: '14px',                         fontfamily: 'verdana, sans-serif',                         textshadow: '0 0 3px black'                     }                 }             }]         });     }); 


you can 2 different ways. first can explicitly give each point own color involves explicitly keying each other value in data element (name, y, etc):

        data: [             {name: 'shanghai', color: 'red', y: 23.7},             {name: 'lagos', color: 'blue', y: 16.1},             {name: 'instanbul', color: 'green', y:14.2}                 ] 

secondly can specify parameter depends on highcharts color array. use colorbypoint series attribute available bar , column types (at least):

... name: 'p2', colorbypoint: true, data: ... 

live demo.


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