actionscript 3 - How to drag and drop multiple objects to specific targets? -

i new as3. of course ignore reset button now. know code big , clunky don't mind understood me.

i trying match yellow ball yellow goal , green green , on.

however every time try drag second object can't, object stuck, hear problem as3/flash , simple way solve drag off screen don't want do.

yellowball.addeventlistener(mouseevent.mouse_down, mousedowny) redball.addeventlistener(mouseevent.mouse_down, mousedownr) blueball.addeventlistener(mouseevent.mouse_down, mousedownb) greenball.addeventlistener(mouseevent.mouse_down, mousedowng) yellowball.addeventlistener(mouseevent.mouse_up, mouseupy)  redball.addeventlistener(mouseevent.mouse_up, mouseupr)  blueball.addeventlistener(mouseevent.mouse_up, mouseupb)  greenball.addeventlistener(mouseevent.mouse_up, mouseupg)  resetbutton.addeventlistener(, reset); addeventlistener(event.enter_frame,enterframehandlerr);  function mousedowny(event:mouseevent):void {   yellowball.startdrag(); }   function mousedownr(event:mouseevent):void {   redball.startdrag(); }   function mousedownb(event:mouseevent):void {   blueball.startdrag(); }   function mousedowng(event:mouseevent):void {   greenball.startdrag(); }   function mouseupy(event:mouseevent):void {   yellowball.stopdrag(); }   function mouseupr(event:mouseevent):void {   redball.stopdrag(); }  function mouseupb(event:mouseevent):void {   blueball.stopdrag(); }  function mouseupg(event:mouseevent):void {   greenball.stopdrag(); }  function enterframehandlerr(event:event):void{   if(yellowball.hittestobject(yellowhome)){   yellowball.stopdrag();  yellowball.x = int(2000);   yellowball.y = int(60);  }  if(redball.hittestobject(redhome)){   redball.stopdrag();  redball.x = int(425);   redball.y = int(60);  }   if(blueball.hittestobject(bluehome)){   blueball.stopdrag();  blueball.x = int(425);   blueball.y = int(275);  }   if(greenball.hittestobject(greenhome)){   greenball.stopdrag();  greenball.x = int(55);   greenball.y = int(275);  } }   function reset(event:mouseevent):void {  yellowball.x = int(250);   yellowball.y = int(250);    }; 


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