plugins - Android DDMS is already installed so an update will be performed instead -

i had same problem many people had in updating adt plugin. used procedure described here:

error message : android sdk requires android developer toolkit version 22.6.1 or above

so, checked developer tools , hit next button. , says

'your original request has been modified. "android ddms" update performed instead.'

but doesn't update, nor give me way one.

(tried post screencap stackoverflow says need rep of @ least 10)

here solution

follow steps here:

start eclipse, select > install new software. click add, in top-right corner. in add repository dialog appears, enter "adt plugin" name , following url location:

click ok.

if have trouble acquiring plugin, try using "http" in location url, instead of "https" (https preferred security reasons).

in available software dialog, select checkbox next developer tools , click next. in next window, you'll see list of tools downloaded. click next. read , accept license agreements, click finish. if security warning saying authenticity or validity of software can't established, click ok. when installation completes, restart eclipse.


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