angularjs - Testing immediately resolved $.defer() with Jasmine -

if testing code in angular uses $q , resolves such as;

angular.module('myapp.mymodule', ['ng'])   .service('someservice', function($q) {     this.task = function() {       var deferred = $q.defer();       deferred.resolve('some value');       return deferred.promise;     };   }); 

that might used follows;

function(someservice) {   someservice.task().then(function() {     console.log('resolved');   }); } 

you might find runs expected in application, fails under test;

phantomjs 1.9.7 (mac os x) myapp.mymodule someservice someservice.task when invoked returned promise when invoked should call our handler failed   expected spy ontaskcomplete have been called [ 'some value' ] never called. 

here example test above module;

describe('myapp.mymodule', function() {   describe('someservice', function() {     beforeeach(function() {       var suite = this;       module('myapp.mymodule');       suite.injectservice = function() {         inject(function(someservice) {           suite.someservice = someservice;         });       };     });     describe('when instantiated', function() {       beforeeach(function() {         this.injectservice();       });       it('should expose expected api', function() {         expect(typeof this.someservice.task).toequal('function');       });     });     describe('someservice.task', function() {       describe('when invoked', function() {         beforeeach(function() {           this.injectservice();           this.taskpromise = this.someservice.task();         });         it('should return promise', function() {           expect(typeof this.taskpromise.then).toequal('function');         });         describe('returned promise', function() {           describe('when invoked', function() {             beforeeach(function() {               this.ontaskcomplete = jasmine.createspy('ontaskcomplete');               this.taskpromise.then(this.ontaskcomplete);             });             it('should call our handler immediately', function() {               expect(this.ontaskcomplete).tohavebeencalledwith('some value');             });           });         });       });     });   }); }); 

the reason fails that—although code appears synchronous—internally $q uses $evalasync $scope defer work until future call stack. since $q has no flush method $httpbackend, $timeout, , $interval - call $rootscope.$digest() needed achieve same result.

phantomjs 1.9.7 (mac os x): executed 3 of 3 success (0.451 secs / 0.01 secs) 

here updated example test;

describe('myapp.mymodule', function() {   describe('someservice', function() {     beforeeach(function() {       var suite = this;       module('myapp.mymodule');       inject(function($rootscope) {         suite.$rootscope = $rootscope;       });       suite.injectservice = function() {         inject(function(someservice) {           suite.someservice = someservice;         });       };     });     describe('when instantiated', function() {       beforeeach(function() {         this.injectservice();       });       it('should expose expected api', function() {         expect(typeof this.someservice.task).toequal('function');       });     });     describe('someservice.task', function() {       describe('when invoked', function() {         beforeeach(function() {           this.injectservice();           this.taskpromise = this.someservice.task();         });         it('should return promise', function() {           expect(typeof this.taskpromise.then).toequal('function');         });         describe('returned promise', function() {           describe('when invoked', function() {             beforeeach(function() {               this.ontaskcomplete = jasmine.createspy('ontaskcomplete');               this.taskpromise.then(this.ontaskcomplete);               this.$rootscope.$digest();             });             it('should call our handler immediately', function() {               expect(this.ontaskcomplete).tohavebeencalledwith('some value');             });           });         });       });     });   }); }); 


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