dictionary - How to hook into Mantle -

i'm using mantle , fits basic need. after declaring jsonkeypathsbypropertykey , propertyjsontransformer, can turn json dictionary object

etpuser *user = [mtljsonadapter modelofclass:[etpuser class] fromjsondictionary:jsondict error:nil]; 

now want hook transformation process other complex fields (setting other properties not declared in jsonkeypathsbypropertykey) in jsondict, can't find ways this

how hook mantle ?

try snippet:

- (id)initwithdictionary:(nsdictionary *)dictionary error:(nserror *__autoreleasing *)error {      nsdictionary *hookedvalue = [[nsdictionary alloc] initwithobjectsandkeys:                                 @"defaultvalue1", @"defaultkey1",                                 @"defaultvalue2", @"defaultkey2",                                 @"defaultvalue3", @"defaultkey3",                                 nil];      dictionary = [hookedvalue mtl_dictionarybyaddingentriesfromdictionary:dictionary];     return [super initwithdictionary:dictionary error:error]; } 


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