c# - Office interop Chart autoscaling -

for generate 1 graph in word interop document use method below:

    public static void addsimplechart(document worddoc, microsoft.office.interop.word.application wordapp, string[,] data)     {          object omissing = system.reflection.missing.value;         microsoft.office.interop.word.inlineshape oshape;         object oclasstype = "msgraph.chart.8";         object oendofdoc4 = "\\endofdoc";         microsoft.office.interop.word.range wrdrng = worddoc.bookmarks.get_item(ref oendofdoc4).range;         oshape = wrdrng.inlineshapes.addoleobject(ref oclasstype, ref omissing,             ref omissing, ref omissing, ref omissing,             ref omissing, ref omissing, ref omissing);           //demonstrate use of late bound ochart , ochartapp objects            //manipulate chart object msgraph.            object ochart;         object ochartapp;         ochart = oshape.oleformat.object;          ochartapp = ochart.gettype().invokemember("application", bindingflags.getproperty, null, ochart, null);          //change chart type line.            object[] parameters = new object[1];         parameters[0] = 1; //xlline = 4            ochart.gettype().invokemember("charttype", bindingflags.setproperty,             null, ochart, parameters);            microsoft.office.interop.graph.chart objchart = (microsoft.office.interop.graph.chart)oshape.oleformat.object;          objchart.charttype = microsoft.office.interop.graph.xlcharttype.xllinemarkers;          datasheet datasheet;         datasheet = objchart.application.datasheet;         int rownum = data.getlength(0);         int columnnum = data.getlength(1);         (int = 1; <= rownum; i++)             (int j = 1; j <= columnnum; j++)             {                 datasheet.cells[i, j] = data[i - 1, j - 1];              }          objchart.application.update();         ochartapp.gettype().invokemember("update",             bindingflags.invokemethod, null, ochartapp, null);         ochartapp.gettype().invokemember("quit",             bindingflags.invokemethod, null, ochartapp, null);           oshape.width = wordapp.inchestopoints(6.25f);         oshape.height = wordapp.inchestopoints(3.57f);         wrdrng = worddoc.bookmarks.get_item(ref oendofdoc4).range;         wrdrng.insertparagraphafter();       }  

but rendered graph small.

anyone know how set autoscaling option in method.

when set property: objchart.autoscaling = true exception.

many help.


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