android detect user switching from/to HOME -

i have appwidget @ home , updated periodically. want stop update if home not visiable. use service register screen on/off receiver start/stop updating appwidget when screen on/off. don't know how detect if screen on user focusing on else (i.e. home not @ foreground). how can detect if user switch from/to home in service or receiver (it's appwidget , don't have activity on hand when happens)?

as far know, there no direct api detect whether home in foreground or background.

but following snippet tell whether user @ home or not.

if (mactivitymanager.getrunningtasks().get(0).topactivity.getpackagename().equals("") {  //home   } 

disclaimer: above code work default launcher ( so, if user using third-party launcher, can't detect if don't know package name of launcher.


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