ruby on rails 4 - RailsObservers - NameError - undefined local variable or method comment for CommentObserver -

rails 4.0.2

i using rails observer send mail when creates comment. observer-

class commentobserver < activerecord::observer    include users::adminshelper     def after_create(comment)     commenter = get_user(comment.user_id)     receiver = get_receiver(commenter)     notificationmailer.new_comment_email(receiver,commenter).deliver   end     def get_receiver(user)     #user = get_user(comment.user_id)     unless user.mentors.empty?         user.mentors.first     else         user = get_user_by_update_id(comment.update_id)     end   end end 

now have 2 types of users mentors , mentee. when mentee creates comment, works fine when mentor creates comment error.

this partial render both users-

<div class="mentee-updates"> <h1>updates</h1> <% @previous_updates.each |update| %>   <div class="post">     <div class="heading">       <div class="user">        <%= get_user(update.user_id).name %>       </div>       <div class="time">          <%= "#{time_ago_in_words(update.created_at)} ago" %>       </div>     </div>     <div class="clear"></div>     <hr/>     <div class="update">       <%= update.content %>     </div>      </br>     <% unless update.comments.empty? %>       <% update.comments.sort.each |comment| %>         <div class="comment-area">           <div class="user">              user <%= comment.user_id%>             <% if == comment.user_id %>           <%= link_to image_tag("deletered.png"), comments_path(comment,update_id:, remote: true, method: :delete, data: { confirm: 'are sure?' } ,class: 'delete_icon'%>           <% end %>             </div>           <div class="text-muted">             <%= time_ago_in_words(comment.created_at)%>           </div>           <div class="comment">           <%= comment.content %>            </div>         </div>       <% end %>     <% end %>     </br>     <% if current_user.has_role? :associate %>     <%= render partial: "comment", locals: { comment: @comment, update: update } %>      <% end %>     </div>          <% end %> </div> 

this comment partial-

<div class="comment_form">       <%= form_for(@comment, remote: true,method: :post ) |f| %>         <%= hidden_field_tag 'update_id', %>            <%= f.label 'add comment'%>         <%= f.text_area :content, id: 'comment' %>         <%= f.submit "add", class: "btn btn-sm" %>       <% end %></br> </div>  

as works fine 1 type of user, dont think there problem in partials.

error message-

started post "/comments" @ 2014-04-22 15:32:15 +0530 processing commentscontroller#create js   parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "update_id"=>"9", "comment"=>{"content"=>",jhjnhj"}, "commit"=>"add"}   [1m[35mupdate load (1.0ms)[0m  select "updates".* "updates" "updates"."id" = 9 order created_at desc limit 1   [1m[36muser load (0.0ms)[0m  [1mselect "users".* "users" "users"."id" = 4 order "users"."id" asc limit 1[0m   [1m[35m (0.0ms)[0m  begin transaction   [1m[36msql (1.0ms)[0m  [1minsert "comments" ("content", "created_at", "update_id", "updated_at", "user_id") values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)[0m  [["content", ",jhjnhj"], ["created_at", tue, 22 apr 2014 10:02:15 utc +00:00], ["update_id", 9], ["updated_at", tue, 22 apr 2014 10:02:15 utc +00:00], ["user_id", 4]]   [1m[35muser load (0.0ms)[0m  select "users".* "users" "users"."id" = 4 limit 1   [1m[36muser exists (0.0ms)[0m  [1mselect 1 one "users" inner join "mentees_mentors" on "users"."id" = "mentees_mentors"."mentor_id" "mentees_mentors"."mentee_id" = ? limit 1[0m  [["mentee_id", 4]]   [1m[35m (1.0ms)[0m  rollback transaction completed 500 internal server error in 11ms  nameerror - undefined local variable or method `comment' #<commentobserver:0x40f59f0>:   app/models/comment_observer.rb:22:in `get_receiver'   app/models/comment_observer.rb:13:in `after_create'   rails-observers (0.1.2) lib/rails/observers/active_model/observing.rb:352:in `update'   rails-observers (0.1.2) lib/rails/observers/activerecord/observer.rb:118:in `block (2 levels) in define_callbacks'   activesupport (4.0.2) lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:375:in `_run__943343009__create__callbacks'   activesupport (4.0.2) lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:80:in `run_callbacks'   activerecord (4.0.2) lib/active_record/callbacks.rb:306:in `create_record'   activerecord (4.0.2) lib/active_record/timestamp.rb:57:in `create_record'   activerecord (4.0.2) lib/active_record/persistence.rb:477:in `create_or_update' 


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