android - Alert Dialog closes without pressing anything_android -

i want code below; executing after press save on alertdialog, shows , closes code

alertdialog.builder razradaplacanja = new alertdialog.builder(noviracun.this);             razradaplacanja.settitle("način plaćanja");             layoutinflater inflater = getlayoutinflater();             view vieww = inflater.inflate(r.layout.razrada, null);             razradaplacanja.setview(vieww); final edittext gotovinaedit = (edittext) vieww.findviewbyid(; final edittext karticeedit = (edittext) vieww.findviewbyid(; razradaplacanja.setpositivebutton("save",                     new dialoginterface.onclicklistener() {                         public void onclick(dialoginterface dialog, int which) {                             try {                                 json.put("totalcash", gotovinaedit.gettext().tostring());                                 json.put("totalcreditcards", karticeedit.gettext().tostring());                              } catch (jsonexception e) {                                 e.printstacktrace();                             }                          }                     });               alertdialog razrada = razradaplacanja.create();             razrada.getwindow().setsoftinputmode(windowmanager.layoutparams.soft_input_state_visible);   ;             //this want execute after pressing save              racuni racun = getinsertresponse(requestinsert(base64encodedcredentials, json, httpclient1));             try { ... 

i cannot put racuni racun = getinsertresponse(requestinsert(base64encodedcredentials, json, httpclient1)); inside onclick block cause racun unreachable (and if declared outside, needs final , cannot asign value)

thank kind of help!

you can move code want execute separate method:

public void someaction(jsontype json); {     racuni racun = getinsertresponse(requestinsert(base64encodedcredentials, json, httpclient1));     // rest of code uses racun, etc. } 

and call dialog's onclick() method:


note code after show() of alertdialog executed immediately. show() not blocking flow.


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