ios - Google analytics click event shows error -

i have developed iphone app, want integrate google analytics in app.

i following link of google analytics tracking click events,

but when write shows me error: no known instance method selector sendeventwithcategory

- (void)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview didselectrowatindexpath:(nsindexpath *__strong)indexpath {          [self.tracker sendeventwithcategory:@"uiaction"                         withaction:@"buttonpress"                          withlabel:@"label"                          withvalue:[nsnumber numberwithint:100]];  } 

please , in advance.

let't try:

- (bool)sendeventwithcategory:(nsstring *)category                withaction:(nsstring *)action                 withlabel:(nsstring *)label                 withvalue:(nsnumber *)value; { bool rv = no; id<gaitracker> tracker = [gai sharedinstance].defaulttracker; if(tracker!=nil) {    rv = [tracker sendeventwithcategory:category withaction:action withlabel:label withvalue:value]; } return rv; }  @implementation aviewcontroller { id<gaitracker> tracker; }  - (void) viewdidload { tracker = [gai sharedinstance].defaulttracker; tracker sendeventwithcategory: withaction: withlabel: withvalue: } 


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