c# - Trying to filter data in grid, receiving "Cannot create an instance of the static class" error -

i attempting filter items populated in grid in code behind. when try call adapter data access layer, receiving following error:

cannot create instance of static class 'sftip.dataaccesslayer.inventoryadapter'

the filter meant display items in grid related user role (assetownershipprogramids).

the error in segment new inventoryadapter() of line:

filteredlist = new inventoryadapter().getallbyfilter(inventoryfilter); 

here code filter trying build:

public list<inventory> bindgrid() {     list<inventory> filteredlist = new list<inventory>();     searchfilterinventory inventoryfilter = new searchfilterinventory();     user currentuser;      currentuser = (session["currentuser"] == null) ? (user)session["currentuser"] : new user();     if (currentuser.adminprograms.count > 0)     {         inventoryfilter.assetownershipprogramids.add(currentuser.adminprograms[0].referenceid);         filteredlist = new inventoryadapter().getallbyfilter(inventoryfilter);     }      return filteredlist; } 

can provide guidance on going wrong? know simple - inherited project , i'm still trying connect dots. thank taking look.

the error says all.

you cannot create instance of static class. if wanted make that, remove static keyword class declaration.

msdn says:

a static class same non-static class, there 1 difference: static class cannot instantiated. in other words, cannot use new keyword create variable of class type. because there no instance variable, access members of static class using class name itself.


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