javascript - how to make layout work in grails when link has id (or not) -

the following code in land.gsp page.

 <table style="padding: 10 ">                 <thead>                     <tr style="color: blue">                         <td>gname</td>                         <td>gowner</td>                         <td>device number</td>                         <td>edit </td>                         <td>delete </td>                       </tr>                 </thead>                 <tbody>                 <g:each in="${groups.list()}" status="i" var="groupsinstance">                 <g:set var="myid" value="${}"></g:set>                     <tr class="${(i % 2) == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd'}">                          <td>${fieldvalue(bean: groupsinstance, field: "gname")}</td>                         <td>${fieldvalue(bean: groupsinstance, field: "gowner")}</td>                         <td>${fieldvalue(bean: groupsinstance, field: "devicenum")}</td>                         <td><g:link action="edit" id="${}">edit</g:link></td>                         <td><g:link action="deleteme" id="${}">delete</g:link></td>                      </tr>                 </g:each>                 </tbody>             </table>  

but when click on edit layout of page not working( javascript, images, styles). id passed edit.gsp page correctly. when change

<td><g:link action="edit" id="${}">edit</g:link></td> 


<td><g:link action="edit" >edit</g:link></td> 

that without passing id , clicking on edit give page correct layout. following edit action

def edit(long id) {         def groupsinstance = groups.get(id)         if (!groupsinstance) {             flash.message = message(code: 'default.not.found.message', args: [message(code: 'groups.label', default: 'groups'), id])             redirect(action: "list")             return         }          [groupsinstance: groupsinstance]     } 

where went wrong? want pass id edit page correct layout.

try view source html in browser, might give clue wrong.


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