matlab - how to dlmwrite a file from array -

how write cell below in text file(my_data.out)?

enter image description here

enter image description here

 http_only = cell2mat(http_only)  dlmwrite('my_data.out',http_only) 

i error below:(i have tried solve still return me error)

enter image description here

here full code: want generate text file each of data store 'http_only' check meet word in split_url.

 %data = importdata('data/url/training_url')  data = importdata('data/url/testing_url')   domain_url = regexp(data,'\w*://[^/]*','match','once')   no_http_url = regexp(domain_url,'https?://(?:www\.)?(.*)','tokens','once');  no_http_url = vertcat(no_http_url{:});  split_url = regexp(no_http_url,'[:/.]*','split')   [sizedata b] = size(split_url);   = 1:100  a7_data = split_url{i};   data2=fopen(strcat('data\webpage_source\testing_data\',int2str(i),'.htm'),'r')   chardata = fread(data2, '*char')';  %read text file , store data in chardata  fclose(data2);   img_only = regexp(chardata, '<img src.*?>', 'match'); %checking   http_only = regexp(img_only, '"http.*?"', 'match');   http_only1 = horzcat(http_only{:});   fid = fopen('my_data.out',int2str(i),'w');  col = 1:numel(http_only1)    fprintf(fid,'%s\n',http_only1{:,col});  end  fclose(fid);   feature7_data=(~cellfun('isempty', regexpi(chardata , a7_data, 'once')))   b7(i)=sum(feature7_data)   end   feature7(b7>=5)=-1;  feature7(b7<5&b7>2)=0;  feature7(b7<=2)=1;   feature7' 

write cell-by-cell using fprintf -

fid = fopen('my_data.out','w'); col = 1:numel(http_only)     fprintf(fid,'%s\n',http_only{:,col}); end fclose(fid); 

edit 1: if input cell array of cell arrays, use code instead.


http_only1 = horzcat(http_only{:});  fid = fopen('my_data.out','w'); col = 1:numel(http_only1)     fprintf(fid,'%s\n',http_only1{:,col}); end fclose(fid); 

edit 2: number of inputs stored separate files, use demo -

data1 = {{'[]'} {'""'} {'"'}}; data2 = {{'[]'} {'""'} {'"'}};  data = cat(1,data1,data2);  k = 1:size(data,1)     data_mat = horzcat(data{k,:});     out_filename = strcat(out_basename,num2str(k),'.out');     fid = fopen(out_filename,'w');     col = 1:numel(data_mat)         fprintf(fid,'%s\n',data_mat{:,col});     end     fclose(fid); end 


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