c++ - Advanced loading of obj-files -

i can't seem find tutorial on how advanced obj-loading (aka. wavefront) want load model assigned textures , not, , tutorials i've found don't explain @ (just show window working) or basic, vertices, normals , indices.

so, first of all, suggestions tutorials?

here code, there need make work different textures?

data struct:

struct objectdata {     vector <glm::vec3> vertices, normals, colors;     vector <glm::vec2> texcoords;     vector <gluint> vindices, uindices, nindices; }; 

object loader h:

class objectloader { private:     struct material {         string name;         glm::vec3 color;     };      vector <material*> materials;     material *currentmaterial;     objectdata *object;     bool hasuv, hasnormals, isquads, indexchecked;      string parsestring(string src, string code);     glm::vec2 parsevec2(string src, string code);     glm::vec3 parsevec3(string src, string code);     void addindices(string str);     void checkindices(string str);     void loadobjects(string objpath);     void loadmaterials(string matpath);  public:     objectloader(string objname);     ~objectloader();      objectdata* getmodel();     glenum getrendermode(); }; 

object loader cpp:

objectloader::objectloader(string objname) {     indexchecked = false;     isquads = false;      string filename = dir_objects + objname + "/" + objname;     loadmaterials(filename + ".mtl");     loadobjects(filename + ".obj"); }  objectloader::~objectloader() {  }  string objectloader::parsestring(string src, string code) {     char buffer[64];     string scanstr = code + " %s";     sscanf_s(src.c_str(), scanstr.c_str(), &buffer, _countof(buffer));     return string(buffer); }  glm::vec2 objectloader::parsevec2(string src, string code) {     float x, y;     string scanstr = code + " %f %f";     sscanf_s(src.c_str(), scanstr.c_str(), &x, &y);     return glm::vec2(x, y); }  glm::vec3 objectloader::parsevec3(string src, string code) {     float x, y, z;     string scanstr = code + " %f %f %f";     sscanf_s(src.c_str(), scanstr.c_str(), &x, &y, &z);     return glm::vec3(x, y, z); }  void objectloader::addindices(string str) {     int v1 = -1, u1 = -1, n1 = -1,         v2 = -1, u2 = -1, n2 = -1,         v3 = -1, u3 = -1, n3 = -1,         v4 = -1, u4 = -1, n4 = -1;      checkindices(str);      if (!hasuv && !hasnormals) {         sscanf_s(str.c_str(),"f %d %d %d %d",             &v1,             &v2,             &v3,             &v4);     }     else if (hasuv && !hasnormals) {         sscanf_s(str.c_str(),"f %d/%d %d/%d %d/%d %d/%d",             &v1, &u1,             &v2, &u2,             &v3, &u3,             &v4, &u4);     }     else if (!hasuv && hasnormals) {         sscanf_s(str.c_str(),"f %d//%d %d//%d %d//%d %d//%d",             &v1, &n1,             &v2, &n2,             &v3, &n3,             &v4, &n4);     }     else if (hasuv && hasnormals) {         sscanf_s(str.c_str(),"f %d/%d/%d %d/%d/%d %d/%d/%d %d/%d/%d",             &v1, &u1, &n1,             &v2, &u2, &n2,             &v3, &u3, &n3,             &v4, &u4, &n4);     }      v1--; u1--; n1--;     v2--; u2--; n2--;     v3--; u3--; n3--;     v4--; u4--; n4--;      if (v3 >= 0) {         float r = currentmaterial->color.r;         float g = currentmaterial->color.g;         float b = currentmaterial->color.b;          object->vindices.push_back(v1);         object->vindices.push_back(v2);         object->vindices.push_back(v3);         object->colors.push_back(currentmaterial->color);         object->colors.push_back(currentmaterial->color);         object->colors.push_back(currentmaterial->color);         if (v4 >= 0) {             object->vindices.push_back(v4);             object->colors.push_back(currentmaterial->color);             isquads = true;         }     }      if (u3 >= 0) {         object->uindices.push_back(u1);         object->uindices.push_back(u2);         object->uindices.push_back(u3);         if (u4 >= 0) {             object->uindices.push_back(u4);         }     }      if (n3 >= 0) {         object->nindices.push_back(n1);         object->nindices.push_back(n2);         object->nindices.push_back(n3);         if (n4 >= 0) {             object->nindices.push_back(n4);         }     } }  void objectloader::checkindices(string str) {     if (!indexchecked) {         int bestsample = 0;         int samplev1 = -1, sampleu1 = -1, samplen1 = -1;         int tmp = -1, samplev4 = -1;          int form1 = sscanf_s(str.c_str(),"f %d", &samplev1);         int form2 = sscanf_s(str.c_str(),"f %d/%d", &samplev1, &sampleu1);         int form3 = sscanf_s(str.c_str(),"f %d//%d", &samplev1, &samplen1);         int form4 = sscanf_s(str.c_str(),"f %d/%d/%d", &samplev1, &sampleu1, &samplen1);          if (form1 > bestsample) {             bestsample = form1;             hasuv = false;             hasnormals = false;         }         if (form2 > bestsample) {             bestsample = form2;             hasuv = true;             hasnormals = false;         }         if (form3 > bestsample) {             bestsample = form3;             hasuv = false;             hasnormals = true;         }         if (form4 > bestsample) {             bestsample = form4;             hasuv = true;             hasnormals = true;         }          indexchecked = true;     } }  void objectloader::loadobjects(string objpath) {     ifstream file(objpath);     string buffer;     object = new objectdata();     currentmaterial = materials[0];      if (file.is_open()) {         while (!file.eof()) {             getline(file, buffer);              if (buffer.find("v ") == 0) {                 object->vertices.push_back(parsevec3(buffer, "v"));             }             else if (buffer.find("vn") == 0) {                 object->normals.push_back(parsevec3(buffer, "vn"));             }             else if (buffer.find("vt") == 0) {                 object->texcoords.push_back(parsevec2(buffer, "vt"));             }             else if (buffer.find("usemtl") == 0) {                 string name = parsestring(buffer, "usemtl");                 (int = 0; < materials.size(); i++) {                     if (name == materials[i]->name) {                         currentmaterial = materials[i];                     }                 }             }             else if (buffer.find("f ") != string::npos) {                 addindices(buffer);             }         }     }     else {         printf("unable find: %s\n", objpath.c_str());     } }  void objectloader::loadmaterials(string matpath) {     ifstream file(matpath);     string buffer;     currentmaterial = null;      if (file.is_open()) {         while (!file.eof()) {             getline(file, buffer);              if (buffer.find("newmtl") == 0) {                 if (currentmaterial != null) {                     materials.push_back(currentmaterial);                 }                 currentmaterial = new material();                 currentmaterial->name = parsestring(buffer, "newmtl");             }             else if (buffer.find("kd") == 0) {                 currentmaterial->color = parsevec3(buffer, "kd");             }         }     }     else {         printf("unable find: %s\n", matpath.c_str());     }      if (currentmaterial == null) {         currentmaterial = new material();         currentmaterial->color = glm::vec3(1, 1, 1);     }      materials.push_back(currentmaterial); }  objectdata* objectloader::getmodel() {     return object; }  glenum objectloader::getrendermode() {     glenum mode = ((isquads) ? gl_quads : gl_triangles);     return mode; } 


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